I’ve worked for quite a few artists as a colorist. Here you can find a few selected pages. If you want to see more, just drop me a line at ines.korth@gmx.de.
Coloration for „Endzeit“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Carlsen
Coloration for „Endzeit“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Carlsen
Coloration for „Endzeit“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Carlsen
Coloration for „Endzeit“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Carlsen
Coloration for „Nerd Girl“, Sarah Burrini, sarahburrini.com
Coloration for „Nerd Girl“, Sarah Burrini, sarahburrini.com
Coloration for „Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof“, Sarah Burrini, sarahburrini.com
Coloration for „Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof“, Sarah Burrini, sarahburrini.com
Coloration for „Huck Finn“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Suhrkamp
Coloration for „Huck Finn“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Suhrkamp
Coloration for „Huck Finn“, Olivia Vieweg, published by Suhrkamp
Coloration for „Kiss of Death“, Thilo Krapp and Sarah Trenker, published by Compact